Here we are again for a revision of Joy's "Ex-Fix". The procedure Thursday morning went well......except for a surprise reopening of an incision which required stitches. This afternoon we moved into the rehab unit on the third floor @ Scottish Rite. Didn't do too much PT today, Joy is still really sore from the workout her hip and knee got while under anesthesia! Dr. Flanagan moved Joy's leg all around, and made sure everything could still bend. It can, it'll just hurt like crazy! Joy got up and into the wheelchair for a while, and is now back in bed. Transfers were super painful and there was lots of screaming. Not to mention the trauma caused by the phlebotomist as she poked Joy in the arm for a blood sample. She says her arm STILL HURTS and it's been hours since it happened. Thank goodness she's asleep now and it's nice and quiet! Whew. Tomorrow the real fun begins.
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