Last full day!! Mostly evaluations in PT/OT this morning. Tests and measurements before Joy goes home. Then at 10 all the girls met up to head to the spa!! We headed downstairs in a caravan of wheelchairs and loaded on to the van. Except for Joy, who got in the family car. I informed the rehab staff of my fear of the interstate, so we all planned to take the "scenic" route. Once everyone was loaded in, it took an hour before our sack lunches showed-up! Some snafoo caused our order to be delayed, and it felt like forever sitting there with Joy laying in the back seat!! Luckily, she had a new American Girl book to read! Once we finally left, it took about an hour of twists and turns and construction delays to get to the Kidz Spa. The first thing I did once Joy was settled at the manicure stand was cut her raggedy nails. (Paul saw on the website they were licensed to paint only) I snipped one too close, and Joy wailed and cried. Which got me crying. (I need a spa day after our spa day!!)
Joy calmed down, I took a moment, and by the end of the afternoon, Joy was braided and sparkly and painted and happy! For the drive home I said I was ready to "bite the bullet" and drive on 285, if it would be quicker and easier for everyone. I did some deep breathing, followed the van very closely, and we made it!! Joy was a half-hour late to afternoon PT, but they took her when she got there. More evaluations....hot/cold test, etc. Then one last session with the teacher, and a dinner break (mommy nap!). We HAD to go to the ZONE for a big craft party at 6. Joy did every craft table, but spent the most time designing gowns from patterned paper. The ladies were so impressed with her artistic/fashion skills! Joy also got complimented all day on her talent show song!! (And , of course, her fancy new spa look!!) It was a good last day! Paul arrived after driving thru the storm, and I took a huge load of stuff and medical equipment home. Remade Joy's bed, tried to unpack, and get ready for the return home tomorrow!! Hope I get some sleep. So much to do......so tired! So proud of Joy!!!
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