Joy's occupational therapist evaluation session went well. He was impressed at how Joy can dress herself ( liked our velcro modifications!), and her ability to transfer from the bed to the chair. (Still painful though!) Then Joy got to play computer games while forms were filled out and we answered questions. Then our friends Janet and Charleston came by bearing gifts!!! It's a true friend that will come visit you in the hospital! We had a lovely visit, Joy loved her gifts and I enjoyed a yummy chicken salad sandwich on flatbread from Subway! Thanks Y'all!!
PT/OT will get tougher come Monday, but for now, not too stressful.....that is, until it was time for the dreaded pin-care! The nurse had the pleasure of unwrapping, cleaning and rewrapping tonight as Joy screamed louder than I've ever heard before. I managed not to cry along, and tried to encourage her to breathe and get through it. Pin-sites look pretty red and raw, but Dr. Flanagan gave them a mighty scrub while Joy was under. The gaping hole with a new stitch looked much better! Once Joy was wrapped up, she passed out, and I tried my best to nap with her. Then daddy arrived with a Wii for the room (which he then wants to donate to the hospital...) AND a tiny TV for me so I don't have to watch the Disney channel anymore!!!!!!!! Wow!! What a great husband, huh! :) They are happily playing Wii while I get to have quiet time at home.
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