Low key weekend schedule. Paul was with her during PT/OT/Group, so I can't report on that. Nothing traumatic happened. I got here in time to visit with the therapy dogs from Happy Tails. So CUTE!!! Paris, a tiny long-haired beauty, licked Joy like crazy! Then we played Wii, Raging Rabbids in the Zone, and stayed for the "Gator" party. University of Florida alumni hosted a night of crafts, face painting, cookie decorating, and games. Joy did everything, then up to the 3rd floor activity room for some computer games. She was sitting so upright, she could roll up to the table normally, not sideways! Then dinner, and a bandage change on the incision stitches. Now she's doing paint by numbers while strapped into the CPM. Still have pin-care later. It's odd that me and Paul are here at the same time. Room seems smaller....
Love the rose colored glasses, H!