Busy, productive, fun, lots of good things happened today! First, the dressing on her split incision stitches was changed, and all is well under there....Then the first P.T. session involved playing Wii! Always a plus! I french braided Joy's hair, very cute! She got to go to the activity room and play on her favorite game, then more Wii during P.T....she killed a lot of "Mii's" while the therapist moved her knee, and she was sitting up normally at the edge of the platform, and wasn't in too much pain! I think her knee got to 65 degrees?! Joy finally let us try ice on her knee, I think she likes it! She did very well today, and got rewarded with yet another plush pussycat from the gift shop.....We had a great bowling game during P.T. too, I bowled a 199!!! I got to watch Oprah in the activity room while Joy happily played her games, then down to "The ZONE" tonight where Joy did some stained glass crafts and played more Wii. (I need to invest in Wii, really amazing during this time! All the kids love it!!!) Then paul showed up to take over, and I came home to have a break. Back in the morning for another busy day! Oh! Can't forget to mention the lovely and uplifting visit from Atlanta Clown Care today too! I really love and support those guys and gals. They make kids smile during the rough stuff. Not an easy job.
Also forgot to mention the visits from the social worker, case manager, teacher, nurses, aides, Occupational therapists, physical therapists, the list goes on and on. Dr. Flanagan came by too, just to check on Miss Joy. We sure are lucky to be exactly where we are. Soaking it up while we can.......
I am glad that you are in good hands! Sounds like everything is going well.