It's 3:45p.m., so I can only write about the day so far. Dr. Flanagan stopped in at 8 a.m. and said we can wrap the pins even tighter!(Taut like guitar strings.) Joy awoke to find a wrapped present from Aunt Diane, and she happily opened an art kit! She painted 4 magnets already today!! Thanks Diane! Joy seemed to enjoy the group exercise activity. When I returned to get her they were hitting the beach ball and laughing! During the next PT session we taught another therapist how to play Spot-It. They all LOVE that card game and want to buy it!They wanted Joy to get some walking in, so we headed towards the room. I was ahead of Joy with the wheelchair and she was practically running after me to catch up and sit down. It would've been funny if she wasn't in tears at the time..... For OT they are planning to bake cookies with Joy next week! She got to explore the kitchen and look for all the stuff they might need to make cookies. Fun, and she was up and walking and using her grabber to get stuff. Then lunch break, more painting and Wii. After lunch the PT took us outside to the putt-putt green and Joy hit a few balls and enjoyed the fish pond and the sunshine. Back upstairs for some Uno with her group, then the weekly wrap-up where all the kids meet in the gym and discuss what they did this week, and their goals for next week. Joy was too shy to speak, but managed to say "Bake cookies" as her goal for next week. Before the Uno game we'd gone quickly down to The Zone for the Lowe's building workshop. In 15 minutes Joy hammered together a little putting hole. We took a birdhouse to make later. When we went back down later, the Lowe's folks were gone, and hadn't left any hammers as they'd promised.....Joy was crushed. Luckily, we ran into one of our PT's and she said we could borrow a hammer from the toolbox in the gym. Joy happily hammered her birdhouse together in the room. Whew. Now she's painting it. Waiting for daddy to arrive (Not till 9 probably.....) and watching Oprah. So far, a pretty good day! No screaming and only a few tears.
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